Shaping Industries and Markets

We offer our customers versatile, high-perform­ance products that success­fully help shape a wide variety of indus­tries and reli­ably provide impetus for further devel­op­ment. In this regard Auser­polimeri vigor­ously pursues oppor­tun­ities for new applic­a­tion possib­il­ities, supports its customers with advice in the selec­tion of products, and delivers product solu­tions for the niche.

Get acquainted with our most important markets, applic­a­tion areas, and products.

Auto­motive Industry

Auser­polimeri has a wide range of mater­ials for the auto­motive industry. Specific­ally, the Compoline® range includes all Impact Modi­fiers for poly­amides that are normally used for compon­ents in the auto­mobile industry.

In addi­tion to impact modi­fiers, Auser­polimeri has developed the Ecoline range, a flex­ible hybrid material with high thermal stability for applic­a­tions requiring resist­ance to oils, fats and aggressive chem­ical compounds. This line is also partic­u­larly well-suited in the manu­fac­turing of cable coat­ings, in flex­ible piping and housing and to protect compon­ents of elec­tric or hydraulic systems.

Indus­trial Pack­aging

Compoline® products are func­tional poly­ol­efins with high-perform­ance maleic anhyd­ride  for the multi-layer pack­aging sector. 

The Company’s produc­tion tech­no­logy combined with the ability to adhere to different cellu­losic polymer or metal substrates, means that Auser­polimeri products find use in multiple sectors: as a Tie-Layer in the rigid and flex­ible multilayer pack­­a­ging sector, in the multilayer film with barrier prop­er­­ties sector, and even in the processing and extru­­sion of PLA.

Flame retardant cables (HFFR)

The flame retardant compounds market finds increas­ingly more use both in the produc­tion of flame-retardant cables (HFFR) as an altern­ative to PVC, as well as in the produc­tion of Aluminum-based composite panels (ACP) for the construc­tion industry.

The need to disperse high concen­tra­tions of polar inor­ganic fillers within mainly poly­ol­efinic or low polarity matrices has led Auser­polimeri to develop a series of Coup­ling Agents.  Due to their amphiphilic prop­er­­ties, these agents enhance the disper­­­sion and the effi­­ciency of inor­ganic fillers within polymer matrices, thus optim­­izing the homo­­gen­eity of the blends and confer­­ring excel­lent mech­an­ical prop­er­­ties. The Compoline® range is extremely effective for incor­por­ating a large number of mineral fillers in halogen-free flame-retardant compounds (HFFR).

Pipe coating and multilayer pipes

Multilayer struc­tures are systems consisting of multiple layers of different mater­ials coupled together. Specific­ally, multilayer composite pipes can have three or five layers, depending on the type of applic­a­tion. 

Compoline® CO/LA adhes­ives are widely used is the water heating sector. In fact, Compoline® CO/LA guar­an­tees perfect adhe­sion between the central Aluminum layer (or EVOH) and the outer PE (PERT or PEX) or PP layers. Another field of ​​ap­plic­a­tion is that of Pipe Coating for the Oil & Gas sector, where the trans­port of gas, oil or fuel requires steel pipes coated with a protective layer of poly­ol­efin (PE, PP). Even in this situ­ation, the Compoline® CO/LA adhes­ives grafted with maleic anhyd­ride guar­antee a high level of adhe­sion between the outer layer of PE (or PP) and the epoxy resin coated steel pipe.

Wood-Plastic Compos­ites

Auser­polimeri developed the "Line­wood" brand specific­ally for the Wood-Plastic Composite sector.

The "Line­wood" range of Coup­ling Agents help achieve a perfect disper­sion of cellu­lose particles within the polymer matrix (PP or PE). This gives the compound good mech­an­ical and aesthetic prop­er­ties. Every Line­wood grade is avail­able in either granule or powder form, to meet the different processing needs of compounders.


For the textile industry, Auser­polimeri has developed a range of grafted poly­mers (with various compos­i­tions) called "Compotex"

“Compotex” offers a wide range of poly­ol­efin poly­mers and ethylene-acrylate or ethyl-acetate copoly­mers grafted with maleic anhyd­ride. With different levels and compos­i­­tions, they may be used as is or as adhe­­sion promoters in thermo-adhesive films for natural and synthetic substrates.

Post-indus­trial and post-consump­tion recyc­ling

Auser­polimeri’s poly­mers grafted with maleic anhyd­ride were initially developed as compat­ib­il­izing agents during re-processing of raw mater­ials. 

Over the years, the need to compat­ib­ilize hetero­gen­eous mixtures of chem­ic­ally incom­pat­ible poly­mers compelled the company to develop an increas­ingly wide range of addit­ives. Auser­polimeri currently manu­fac­tures and markets compat­ib­il­izing agents for PE/PP, Nylon/PP, Nylon/PE-based blends for the regen­er­a­tion of recycled poly­ol­efins and as a process aid for biode­grad­able and compostable PLA-based poly­mers. Recently, the company even developed compat­ib­il­iz­a­tion and impact modi­fier agents for tech­nical polymer blends such as poly­amide/ABS, Poly­amide/PC and PC/ABS.