Research & Development Auserpolimeri

Research & Development

Innov­ative Polymer Grafting Process and R&D Excel­lence at Auser­polimeri

The produc­tion process, developed entirely by Auser­polimeri, is based on a continuous reactive extru­sion of different poly­meric bases with maleic anhyd­ride. The grafting level and the choice of raw material that consti­tutes the polymer base will vary according to the type of product that will be developed and specific applic­a­tion for which it is intended. Special care is taken to ensure that no free maleic anhyd­ride traces remain within the grafted mater­ials. Every produc­tion line is equipped with special devices specific­ally aimed to allow Auser­polimeri to work with a very large variety of poly­meric raw material currently avail­able on the market. To further guar­antee product quality and a safe working envir­on­ment, produc­tion lines are equipped with advanced on-line control systems to monitor for traces of maleic anhyd­ride. Each batch of material produced is care­fully analyzed by the internal quality control lab (QC). The product is pack­aged and shipped to clients only after obtaining its approval.

Research & devel­op­ment for new products and applic­a­tions is carried out in the chem­ical and processing lab, where, thanks to pilot extruders and other machinery, proto­types of func­tional mater­ials can be developed and tested for different types of applic­a­tions. Auser­polimeri is highly focused on scientific research and tech­no­lo­gical innov­a­tion, working in close collab­or­a­tion with the academic community of the Univer­sity of Pisa and with other private research labor­at­ories. Auser­polimeri also offers high-quality tech­nical support aimed at devel­oping, in collab­or­a­tion with its clients, new products and applic­a­tions and creating new tech­no­logy solu­tions.