The production process, developed entirely by Auserpolimeri, is based on a continuous reactive extrusion of different polymeric bases with maleic anhydride. The grafting level and the choice of raw material that constitutes the polymer base will vary according to the type of product that will be developed and specific application for which it is intended. Special care is taken to ensure that no free maleic anhydride traces remain within the grafted materials. Every production line is equipped with special devices specifically aimed to allow Auserpolimeri to work with a very large variety of polymeric raw material currently available on the market. To further guarantee product quality and a safe working environment, production lines are equipped with advanced on-line control systems to monitor for traces of maleic anhydride. Each batch of material produced is carefully analyzed by the internal quality control lab (QC). The product is packaged and shipped to clients only after obtaining its approval.
Research & development for new products and applications is carried out in the chemical and processing lab, where, thanks to pilot extruders and other machinery, prototypes of functional materials can be developed and tested for different types of applications. Auserpolimeri is highly focused on scientific research and technological innovation, working in close collaboration with the academic community of the University of Pisa and with other private research laboratories. Auserpolimeri also offers high-quality technical support aimed at developing, in collaboration with its clients, new products and applications and creating new technology solutions.