Responsibility Auserpolimeri


Auser­polimeri's commit­ment to respons­ib­ility and sustain­ab­ility is based on our manage­ment systems. Quality manage­ment, envir­on­mental manage­ment, health protec­tion and plant safety support our activ­ities to ensure a sustained prof­it­able growth. 

Integrated Quality, Safety and Environmental Policy


Auser­polimeri is ISO 9001:2015 certi­fied for its quality manage­ment system for the manu­fac­ture of func­tional poly­meric compounds. 

The company has its own Quality Control Labor­atory (QC), equipped with all the neces­sary instru­ments and processes to guar­antee product quality in terms of:

  • chem­ical compos­i­tion
  • phys­ical prop­er­ties
  • thermal and mech­an­ical prop­er­ties
  • rheolo­gical prop­er­ties


Auser­polimeri is ISO 14001:2015 certi­fied for its envir­on­mental manage­ment system for the manu­fac­ture of func­tional poly­meric compounds.


Auser­polimeri is ISO 45001:2018 certi­fied for its safety manage­ment system for the manu­fac­ture of func­tional poly­meric compounds.


The whole Brugge­mann group, Auser­polimeri included, has been awarded the EcoVadis Plat­inum Medal, a sign of our relent­less commit­ment to achieving our sustain­ab­ility goals.

Envir­on­mental Labelling for Pack­aging

For the alpha­nu­meric iden­ti­fic­a­tion of pack­aging, as per Commis­sion Decision 97/129/EC, please refer to the docu­ment avail­able at following link.