Locations & Contacts Auserpolimeri

Locations & Contacts

Auser­polimeri’s registered and commer­cial office are located in Rho (Milan), near the Rho-Pero Exhib­i­tion Centre. Auser­polimeri’s manu­fac­turing plant is located in Tuscany, in Piano di Core­glia (Lucca), just 50 km from the Pisa Inter­na­tional Airport and 75 Km from the Indus­trial Port of Livorno.

Auser­polimeri Srl

Auser­polimeri Srl

Manu­fac­turing Plant:
Via Renaio
55025 Piano di Core­glia (Lucca), Italy

Tele­phone +39 05 83739.404

Registered and commer­cial office:
Via Carlo Pomè 14
20017 Rho (Milan), Italy

Tele­phone +39 (0)2 36763280 

info (at) aus­er­polimeri.it

Your Contacts at Auser­polimeri


Nicola Guidugli

Technical Department

Tel.: +39 338 6017022

nicola.guidugli (at) auserpolimeri.it

Ivana Castaldo

International Sales Customer Service

Tel.: +39 02 89450790

ivana.castaldo (at) auserpolimeri.it

Alba Santaniello

International Sales Customer Service

Tel.: +39 02 93539238

alba.santaniello (at) auserpolimeri.it