Tie-Layers & Adhesives Auserpolimeri

Tie-Layers & Adhesives

Auser­polimeri has different Tie-Layers & Adhes­ives in its port­folio. 

  • Multilayer composite pipes.
  • Multilayer film.
  • Plastic/rubber to metal bonding.
  • Aluminium Composite Panels (ACP).
  • Textile lamin­a­tion.

Compoline® CO/LA

The Compoline® CO/LA line is our range of adhes­ives and adhe­sion promoters and is used, among others, in the field of PERT/Alu/PERT or PEX/Alu/PEX multi-layer systems (e.g.: the floor heating systems, in the trans­port of drinking water, or in the Oil & Gas sector). The advant­ages of the Compoline® CO/LA adhes­ives line are: very high adhe­sion to metal (Aluminum) combined with enhanced thermal stability during and after processing, as well throughout the aging cycles. 

Our adhes­ives and products are also used in the pipe coating industry, in which the steel pipes used for trans­porting oil and gas, and which were previ­ously treated with an epoxy primer, are protected by an outer layer of PE or PP. Once again, even in this applic­a­tion, Auser­polimeri’s maleic-based adhes­ives ensure maximum adhe­sion and durab­ility of the protective layer (image 1). Certain degrees of adhes­ives may also be co-extruded for the produc­tion of other multi-layer struc­tures, such as, for example, Aluminum-based composite panels (ACP) for the building sector.


Ivana Castaldo

International Sales Customer Service

Tel.: +39 02 89450790

ivana.castaldo (at) auserpolimeri.it

Nicola Guidugli

Technical Department

Tel.: +39 338 6017022

nicola.guidugli (at) auserpolimeri.it

Alba Santaniello

International Sales Customer Service

Tel.: +39 02 93539238

alba.santaniello (at) auserpolimeri.it